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Turn Drawings into Reality

Know what you want but can’t find it? We are here to help. With our software and the latest in CNC technology we can turn your drawing into a 3D render and into reality

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Only The Best

We only use high grade cabinet materials when building any project. Unlike what’s common in the big box stores where you see mostly low quality, particle board and sometimes even cardboard materials, we use high strength MDF, and cabinetry grade plywood.

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The Difference is in the Details


When you compare partial board and what the big box store uses to our MDF and plywood you can see the de difference. Partial board is very pores, not only does this make it act as a giant sponge when wet, it’s also super brital and prone to chipping and cracking when moved. You can also feel the difference, a normal weight for a fully enclosed 5ft cabinet is around 100lbs, when compared to a big box store cabinet that weighs only 20 pounds.

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